Supplement Ingredient Database

We source only the finest materials from trusted suppliers and we guarantee consistently high quality products. From organic, vegan, vitamins and probiotics we have the capabilities to manufacture with them all.

We can make formulations from the ingredients listed. Alternatively, if there is a product of interest which is not listed we can utilise our partners and suppliers of raw materials to provide you with a solution that fits your needs.

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Zinc Citrate Trihydrate

Zinc is an essential mineral which plays important roles for various bodily functions including cognition, immunity, bone health, metabolism, hair skin & nails and more. Zinc Citrate Trihydrate is a versatile and very soluble source of zinc.

Zinc Gluconate Dihydrate

Zinc is an essential mineral which plays important roles for various bodily functions including cognition, immunity, bone health, metabolism, hair skin & nails and more. Zinc Gluconate Dihydrate has a relatively low zinc level compared to other ingredients but remains versatile whilst best used in tablets and capsules.

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